GRANTS: Rossinver Youth & Community Project has so far raised in excess of €450K between grants and local fundraising towards the provision of facilities for Rossinver community.
FUNDRAISING: Organises annual fundraising events including table quiz, duckrace, sponsored walk, family day, dances, cake sales, concerts, etc
EMPLOYMENT: Employs 23 people in the Rossinver area, at the Sports Field, the Ballagh Centre, the Organic Centre, Kilty Hostel and the Rainbow Ballroom, bringing approx €371,600 into the local economy annually.
TRAINING: Supports employment and local enterprise by providing accredited skills training for all its workers annually.
DEVELOPMENT: Has continued to develop the sports field at the site of the pro-posed community centre (originally developed by the Parish committee) into a pitch and recreation area, with fencing, landscaping & car parking, The Kabin on site providing youth/meeting space & offices was purchased with €14,000 support from Rossinver Development Co.
ENVIRONMENT: Takes responsibility for the maintenance of the Stradconnolly site, church properties, & housing developments in Rossinver.
FAMILIES: Assists parents by providing facilities and workers to run afterschool, youth clubs, sports days and annual summer swimming camps.
OLDER PEOPLE: Assists older people by providing a handyman service and two workers for the Rossinver Calling phone service.
PRESERVING HERITAGE & CULTURE: Ran a Heritage Festival for the first time, together with the Ballagh Centre and the Gillaroo Project.
CO-OPERATION: Promotes crossborder co-operation & friendships along with its neighbours Garrison, Cashel and Kiltyclogher through the Gillaroo project.